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The title of the project

Conservation of the most valuable monuments of Lublin — the Holy Trinity Chapel, buildings on the Castle Hill and the Kraków Gate

Name of the beneficiary
The City Museum in Lublin
Project value
13 162 450,91 zł
Co-financing from the EU
7 891 372,99 zł
m. Lublin
Regionalny Program Operacyjny Województwa Lubelskiego
7.1. Infrastruktura kultury i turystyki
Europejski Fundusz Rozwoju Regionalnego
2007 - 2013

Dominating over Lublin, the castle with a 13th-century tower and the Holy Trinity Chapel with invaluable Byzantine and Ruthenian fresco paintings is one of the city’s major monuments. In 2013, after several years’ renovation, it was made fully accessible to tourists. The renovation was extremely difficult, as it was not limited only to conservation works, but, above all, it required a thorough drying of the building and stabilisation of the dangerously cracking walls. Thanks to the application of innovative solutions, the monument was successfully secured against further decay.

When entering the castle’s courtyard, you will notice right away the renovated brick facade of the Holy Trinity Chapel. Those who have visited it earlier will certainly remember the unpleasant sound of the old air conditioning. The new system that has been installed is not only quieter, but also much more efficient and, what is equally important, it makes it possible to maintain an appropriate micro-climate without limiting the number of visitors. The renovation works also covered the conservation of the crypt and the ground floor rooms, which will soon house a lapidarium.

The Romanesque keep now serves a new function. It is a high tower from which one can admire the magnificent views of Lublin. Until recently, tourists could visit only the mausoleum established in honour of prisoners murdered here, i.e. Poland’s freedom and independence fighters after the Spring of Nations and from the times of the January Uprising in 1863, as well as World War II and the years 1944-1954. As part of the project, the structure’s facade was renovated and the staircase was provided with appropriate additional lighting, and an observation terrace was added at the top. It is a huge attraction both for tourists and the inhabitants of Lublin, who were not able to watch the Old Town from such a high perspective before.

A new dimension has been also taken on by the museum exhibitions. Opened last year, the permanent exhibition, called “In the footsteps of history. The oldest history of the Lublin Land”, is one of the most interesting and the most modern exhibitions in Poland. In among the original exhibits and life-size reconstructions of homesteads and graves, lifelike figures, multimedia presentations, films and animations have been placed. The interactive nature of this exhibition in particular attracts young enthusiasts of history.

In the old days, castles were built so as to restrict access to them. Nowadays, there is a trend to make the formerly inaccessible fortresses become the most widely open to guests. Lublin Castle is the best example here. The castle gate open till late at night, the easily accessible observation terrace and museum exhibitions, which are open on Saturdays and Sundays, encourage tourists to visit this unusual place.

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