Enabling greener life science SMEs- Enabling life science SMEs to work with sustainability in a more integrated way
There are many challenges related to sustainability facing the South Baltic Sea-region. The health care systems in Europe are under increasing pressure with increased life expectancy, more citizens living with multiple chronical diseases, an increased number of citizens living with mental health issues, large geographic and socio-economic inequalities in terms of health, scarce resources when it comes to healthcare professionals and increasing expenditures within the public healthcare system are just some of the challenges we need to tackle. Key actors in meeting these challenges are life science companies, and in line with the trend at the European level, small enterprises constitute the vast majority of enterprises in the region, followed by medium-sized companies. Cross-border cooperation in the life science sector in the South Baltic Area should be further strengthened, allowing companies to further enhance collaborative culture and to reap the benefit of sharing knowledge and undertaking collaborative activities. From an environmental point of view, the Baltic Sea is in a critical situation in terms of eutrophication and pollution levels. Pollution is primarily discharged into the sea from land. The project will aim at addressing the above described challenges by developing and providing business support (tools, methods, network etc) to 50 start-ups and scale-ups within the life sciences, focusing on integrating sustainability in the company’s current business strategy. That is, how to use sustainability as a tool to strengthen the company’s business case, development and growth.The project is in line with the selected SO as it addresses the described for transferring blue and green innovations between SME’s in the SBR. The Seed Money is needed for cross-border workshops and meetings to be able to work jointly on the concept paper; to build a partnership for a future regular project; and to build a network of interested stakeholders.
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