Construction of new tram routes in Szczecin
The main goal of the project is to increase the use of low-carbon urban transport in Szczecin through the development of city tram routes. Implementation of the above the goal will be possible by reaching nw. specific objectives:
- reduction of travel time,
- reduction of vehicle operating costs,
- improving road safety,
- increasing the level of security in communication,
- reducing the negative impact of transport on the environment (acoustic and atmospheric),
- reducing the negative impact of transport on the climate,
- reducing the costs of operating and maintaining the infrastructure.
The project involves the construction of three sections of tram routes in Szczecin. The project consists of the following tasks:
- Construction of track to the new Mierzyn tram terminus (CH Ster).
- Reconstruction of Arkońska Street along with the construction of the track from the Las Arkoński loop to Wojska Polskiego Avenue.
- Reconstruction of Szafera Street on the section from Wojska Polskiego Avenue to Hala Widowiskowo-Sportowa together with the construction of the track and the new tram terminus.
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