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The title of the project

The Gothic Way: Joint Historic Reconstruction and Virtual Journey to the Past

Name of the beneficiary
Project value
289 728,95 zł
Co-financing from the EU
260 535,60 zł
projekt ogólnopolski
The ENI Cross-border Cooperation Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2014-2020
1.1. Promotion of local culture and history
Europejski Fundusz Rozwoju Regionalnego
2014 - 2020

Poland was the first to recognize independence of Ukraine and is Ukraine’s biggest ally on its way to Euro integration, but the border severely divided 2 countries in 1939, mutilating spiritual ties that had devolved for centuries, and this become an obstacle to intercultural communication. Poor knowledge of the joint past has led to manipulation of history. The communities of Hrubeshov and Volodymyr-Volynskyi want to reproduce the common history from ancient times to present. The aim of project is to promote local history and culture by improving 2 museums of the cross-border region, reproducing common heritage of Gothic culture which reflects pan-European value, creation new tourist multimedia products, and conducting joint events. Since these museums -“Gothic Village in Maslomench” (later: M. Museum) in Hrubeshov and Volodymyr-Volynskyi Historical Museum (later: V. Museum) are local cultural centers, project’s first step is phased recovery of unknown pages of common history. A unique combination of scansen expositions and multimedia technologies will greatly enhance the touristic attractiveness of museums and multiply their attendance. This will lead to development of cross-border tourism and mutual intercultural communication; thus, solving mentioned problem. Attraction of museums will be provided by uniquely mobile expositions, which include scene reconstructions of Gothic everyday life via virtual museum tours, map, info-movies. Info-graphic, 3D models of ancient persons and artifacts will allow virtual travel through time and space. These products will be used by residents of the cross-border region including youth, children, people with disabilities, and tourists. The history of Poland and Ukraine is closely intertwined so, the discovery of historical objectivity is possible only with cross-border approach where reconstructions are mutually complementary and museum products are created jointly expressing true history.

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