Assisted housing
They are an effective way of social rehabilitation and learning everyday life for people with disabilities. The Association “My dla Innych” created four so-called assisted housing.
Supported housing is an opportunity for people who no longer have to live with their families, but are not yet independent enough to live an active life without any help. They can live alone, but they need support.
The flats are located in the centre of Białystok. They have been renovated and equipped with the European Funds. They are used by 10 people from communities of: Białystok, Choroszcz, Dobrzyniewo Duże, Czarna Białostocka, Juchnowiec Kościelny, Łapy, Supraśl, Turośń Kościelna, Wasilków, Zabłudów.
The participants of the project will be assisted by four assistants and two volunteers who have undergone training and have been prepared to work with residents in assisted housing. Tenants can also count on the help of a psychologist and psychiatrist.
The apartments are located in the centre of Białystok, with convenient and direct access to public transport. The most important institutions and necessary shops are nearby. This will enable residents to be active in social life.
The stay in such an apartment lasts two years. The previous similar project of the association, also implemented under the regional programme, was successfully completed. 60 percent of the tenants have become independent.
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