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The title of the project

Creating an educational and naturalistic exposition at the Carpathian Landscape Park Complex in Krosno

Name of the beneficiary
Project value
217 349,00 zł
Co-financing from the EU
184 518,00 zł
krośnieński (podkarpackie)
Regionalny Program Operacyjny Województwa Podkarpackiego na lata 2014-2020
4.5. Różnorodność biologiczna
Europejski Fundusz Rozwoju Regionalnego
2014 - 2020

Works connected with the project consisted in creating an educational exposition presenting the arrangement of natural, cultural and geological space of Carpathian landscape parks with the use of combined forms of media, i.e.: dioramas, forest scenery installations, animal and plant models, large-format photographs, light and sound effects.

As part of the project implementation, an educational and natural history exposition consisting of three parts was made and installed: Flora and Fauna, Culture and Geology.

Hall A – Flora and fauna of Carpathian landscape parks, biodiversity includes the presentation of selected animal and plant species on the example of the Carpathian beech forest community in a mountain diorama.

Room B – Culture includes closed diorama presenting artifacts connected with history and culture of Podkarpacie region. The exhibits are placed in a spatially closed wall which imitates the facade of a wooden house.

Room C – Geology was devoted to geological themes – showcases designed in the form of illuminated pillars with geological collections.


The whole constitutes a compact space in which an educational and informative natural and cultural exhibition has been integrated, presenting the values of the Carpathian landscape parks.

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