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The title of the project

Implementation of an innovative material recycling technology for thermoplastic polymers in LUK-PLAST s.c. to obtain a full value composition of regranulates

Name of the beneficiary
Smart Growth Operational Programme 2014-2020
Project value
4 827 750,00 zł
Co-financing from the EU
2 158 750,00 zł
Program Operacyjny Inteligentny Rozwój
3.2. Wsparcie wdrożeń wyników prac B+R
Europejski Fundusz Rozwoju Regionalnego
2014 - 2020

The project is a response to the dynamic development of the plastics industry in Poland and Europe and the constantly increasing product requirements of business partners. Modern machinery and equipment was purchased: granulation line with a filter screen, fan cooler, ultrasonic washer, waste shredder, colour separator, spectrometer for identifying types of plastics and a forklift with a clamp and 2.5T turntable and a raw material bunker with a controller. The modern line consisting of 8 machines contributed to a significant shortening of the production process, an increase in the company’s productivity and extending the product offer with an innovative PP/string recyclate – RPPS. The company also implemented a process innovation – ecological and sustainable production process of PP/string recyclate – EKO-LUK.


‘The implementation of the project allowed us to introduce a new, innovative PP/string recyclate (RPPS), characterised by a high physical and chemical quality. It led to a significant development of the company and better management of contaminated waste, subjected to the recycling process. Thanks to the project, the company created 2 new jobs. We are more competitive on the plastics market now and turnover has increased by up to 40%.’

Sławomir & Łukasz Kubczak


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