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45601 Projects
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B260/Body Look/Niemcy/Diseldorf

Laeta Lingerie 14 730,99 zł 736,54 zł pomorskie ll Add a description of the project Learn more

Global SMEs/Malezja

Centrozap S.A. 14 900,00 zł 745,00 zł śląskie ll Add a description of the project Learn more

B66 /"Styl/Kabo"/ Czechy/Brno

Firma Produkcyjno-Handlowa "Skorpion" Krzysztof Jaszczyk 14 900,59 zł 745,02 zł małopolskie ll Add a description of the project Learn more

Chinese Export Commodities Fair/Chiny/Kanton II

VICTUM 14 999,46 zł 749,97 zł mazowieckie ll Add a description of the project Learn more

Chinese Export Commodities Fair/Chiny/Kanton I

COOPRA Sp.z o.o. 15 000,00 zł 750,00 zł mazowieckie ll Add a description of the project Learn more

Chinese Export Commodities Fair/Chiny/Kanton I

QMET Piotr Kupczyk 15 000,00 zł 750,00 zł mazowieckie ll Add a description of the project Learn more

Chinese Export Commodities Fair/Chiny/Kanton II

Ziemia Obiecana Jami Michał Mrowiński 15 000,00 zł 750,00 zł łódzkie ll Add a description of the project Learn more

Chinese Export Commodities Fair/Chiny/Kanton II

VIOLA PLUS Sp.z o.o. 15 000,00 zł 750,00 zł mazowieckie ll Add a description of the project Learn more

B430/Kiev Expo Mebel/Ukraina/Kijów

ARS LONG Sp.z o.o. 15 303,49 zł 765,17 zł lubelskie ll Add a description of the project Learn more