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The title of the project

Old traditions always young - Polish-Belarusian cooperation to preserve the cultural heritage of the city of Mosty and the municipality of Czarna Bialostocka

Name of the beneficiary
Project value
267 182,60 zł
Co-financing from the EU
236 029,09 zł
projekt ogólnopolski
The ENI Cross-border Cooperation Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2014-2020
1.1. Promotion of local culture and history
Europejski Fundusz Rozwoju Regionalnego
2014 - 2020

Belarus and Poland are countries, in history of which the handicraft traditions are deeply ingrained within.Some of the techniques have existed on both sides of the border but some of them are characteristic to their localities.They have, however one thing in common–they represent a great legacy, which has to be maintained and promoted in order to keep them alive for future generations.The geographical distance between project areas often proves to be an obstacle in attempting to organise a cooperative work to achieve the above goal. Participation in the project and joint events will be an opportunity to establish close cooperation in the exchange of experiences, traditions and cultural heritage of the regions.The aim of the project is to protect and promote the cultural heritage of Poland and Belarus and to use the rich ethnographic potential to improve the image and attractiveness of both regions in terms of tourism and economy.This will increase the interest of local residents in preserving the identity of the region in the rebirth of traditional crafts and the exchange of experience of creators of the Polish-Belarusian borderland, indicating and emphasizing homogeneity in cultural, geographical and social rootedness. A system of well-established and regular interaction and exchange of experience between traditional cultures and areas of craftsmanship in the border region will be created.It will have a high ethnographic, educational and cognitive value.Young and future generations will benefit from this.It will improve the image of traditional crafts as an opportunity to turn them into a way of life, which will give opportunities for the creation and development of small craft businesses. Joint cross-border activities in this area have a greater chance of fruitful cooperation in the future.They will show that on the basis of common,very similar traditions we can develop new direction of cooperation allowing for cultural and tourist development of both regions.

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