Improving digital skills among pupils and teachers in podlaskie voivodeship
20 mobile computer labs, teacher training and additional activities for children – these are the main elements of the project implemented by the Podlaskie Voivodeship. The aim is to increase the use of ICT in schools, in teaching and, finally, also in everyday life.
The project consist of 3 elements:
- Trainings for teachers – implemented in 3 themes:
- information and communication technologies in teaching humanities,
- information and communication technologies in teaching mathematics and natural sciences,
- teaching robotics and programming.
- Purchase of equipment – each school has received a mobile ICT lab. Each lab is equipped with portable computers or tablets, the necessary software, a presentation system (interactive board with an overhead projector, interactive monitor or overhead projector with a projection screen) and educational robots.
- Additional classes for pupils – each school will conduct additional classes in 3 groups: information and communication technologies for the less advanced, information and communication technologies for the more advanced, and robotics and programming classes.
The results:
- 720 hours of courses for teachers,
- 180 teachers participating in courses, including:135 teachers using ICT in teaching humanities, 60 teachers using ICT in teaching mathematics and natural sciences, and 75 teachers in teaching robotics and programming classes.
- purchase of equipment for 20 mobile labs, including: 467 laptops, 65 tablets, 20 presentation sets (interactive monitor, interactive set or projection screen with projector) and 235 educational robots with accessories,
- 1,440 hours of additional classes in ICT, robotics and programming,
- a minimum of 547 students taking part in additional classes in ICT, robotics and programming.
The project is implemented by Podlaskie Voivodeship in partnership with 20 local government units. The partners are the cities of: Bielsk Podlaski, Grajewo, Hajnówka, Kolno and the communes of: Ciechanowiec, Czarna Białostocka, Dąbrowa Białostocka, Dobrzyniewo Duże, Grodzisk, Jasionówka, Jedwabne, Łapy, Mielnik, Mońki, Narewka, Perlejewo, Poświętne, Rutki, Sidra, Sokoły.
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