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The title of the project

High-quality water available in the Stare Juchy Community and in the Ozersk District, for the benefit of the cross-border area between Poland and Russia and the Baltic Sea

Name of the beneficiary
Project value
4 966 020,39 zł
Co-financing from the EU
4 469 418,34 zł
projekt ogólnopolski
The ENI Cross-border Cooperation Programme Poland-Russia 2014-2020
2.1. Cooperation for the clean natural environment in the cross-border area
Europejski Fundusz Rozwoju Regionalnego
2014 - 2020

Project aimed at improving the quality of the environment in the cross-border area in the Stare Juchy commune and in the Ozersk district (ensuring accessibility and good water quality, reducing water losses in the area, raising awareness and knowledge about water saving in people. Problems: – no availability of high-quality water for 9170 people. – the risk of water contamination by sewage leaking from septic tanks (34 farms). – water losses (Stare Juchy commune – 110676 m3 per year, Ozersk – 433012 m3 per year). – insufficient level of inhabitants’ awareness and knowledge about saving and protection of water. Changes and results: – Providing high quality water for 9170 people (Stare Juchy-3342, Ozersk-5828 people) (14 water filtration systems in wells, construction of sewage treatment plant with modernization of the existing water intake and construction of a new water intake, construction of water connection, sanitary sewage system with sewage pumping station , construction of 3 waterworks with connections, reconstruction of 6225,5 m of water supply network – Limitation of water loss by min. 73 070 m3 of water per year (Stare Juchy) and 3 200 m3 of water per year (Ozersk) (water measurement system) – The level of awareness and knowledge about water saving and protection among 1,900 people in the cross-border area will be raised (950 women, 950 men. The nature of environmental problems for the Baltic Sea requires cooperation on both sides of the border. The objectives of the project will be achieved only thanks to the cooperation of all partners. The quality and availability of water in the project area can be improved through comprehensive investment activities with raising awareness and knowledge about water saving and protection, which will have a positive impact on the Baltic Sea. One-sided actions will not work because the water system is one and is indivisible.

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