Music of Borderland
Polish and Ukrainian borderland is where the two nationalities co-exist, sharing cultural customs as well as cultivating their own ways of living. Different customs mixed, complemented each other,e.g. the same songs were sung in two languages. Life wasn’t ideal, but they lived in peace. The situation changed after WWII. Various grievances, resettlement, silence and difficulties in crossing the border led to the creation of negative stereotypes of the Polish and the Ukrainians. The goal of this project is to change these views, to take a positive glance at our neighbors, the Polish and the Ukrainians; to trust and see a partner for cooperation in both, but mainly to see the human side of both nations living on the common land which both of them call their own, sharing similar history. The above will be achieved by joint Polish-Ukrainian cultural events. The Association of Folk Culture Animators (SARF) in Lublin and Creative Union „Nivroku” from Ternopil will execute this project. Two folk music bands will assist in the realization: the Saint Nicholas Orchestra and Joryj Kłoc, for years dedicated to the borderland. As part of the project, a CD will be created, where the St. Nicholas Orchestra will record 6 traditional Ukrainian songs from borderland and Joryj Kłoc – 6 Polish songs; they will perform 1 song together. The free CD will be produced in 2000 copies. It will be distributed among media, festivals, cultural institutions in both countries. It will also be handed out during concerts. Moreover, presenting this material there will be 6 concerts organized with free admission: 3 on each PL/UA side in cities or localities covered by the Program. We expect 3000 people to attend. The main recipients of the event are the residents of the borderland. This project isn’t limited to a specific group of recipients. We will organize the concerts in venues available to the disabled. During the time of the project implementation (5 years), over 50 000 people will learn about.
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