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The title of the project

Festival – stable initiative and effective instrument for cultural heritage and folk promotion of cross-border regions in Poland and Ukraine

Name of the beneficiary
Project value
292 583,71 zł
Co-financing from the EU
262 967,27 zł
projekt ogólnopolski
The ENI Cross-border Cooperation Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2014-2020
1.1. Promotion of local culture and history
Europejski Fundusz Rozwoju Regionalnego
2014 - 2020

A common challenge for both partners is the lack of a complex vision of how to preserve and develop cultural heritage in a sustainable way. Nevertheless, the Polish partner is far ahead regarding this issue. In parallel with cultural heritage and local traditions, preservation is being developed approaches to managing and sustainably promoting that heritage. Those approaches develop recreational potential and promote local traditions. The overall objective of the project is cultural heritage promotion on the regional and local level by organizing and sustainably conducting cultural events which will be achieved through specific objectives: knowledge and experience exchange encourage among all cultural industries participants by two study tours conduction, developing and implementing an efficient business model for holding cultural events sustainably, introducing new management approach in the sphere of historical and cultural heritage by publishing the roadmap: “Business model for sustainably holding the festival”. The developed business model will be examined when preparing a new festival of authentic Hutsul’s local cuisine and traditions “Festival of Kosiv Cheese Horses” in Kosiv, Ivano-Frankivsk region. A joint working group will be arranged, which includes Polish and Ukrainian experts: business consultants, cultural and creative industries representatives, marketers and PR specialists, environmentalists. Joint working group activities will consider the specifics of the border areas when preparing the document. Project results will be available for use by both partners and target groups: regional and local authorities, culture-related institutions, tour operators and local inhabitants. It is not possible to preserve the local crafts and traditions (borderland cultural heritage) without using continuous European experience. Partners will use the approach of enhancing collaboration and establishing competencies.

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