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LIMIT- Innovative concepts for sustainable water treatment targeting PFAS and other critical micropollutants from point sources in the South Baltic Sea area

nazwa beneficjenta
wartość projektu
178 144,00 zł
dofinansowanie z UE
133 608,00 zł
South Baltic Cross-border Co-operation Programme 2014-2020
2.2. Increased use of green technologies in order to decrease the pollution discharges in the South Baltic area
Europejski Fundusz Rozwoju Regionalnego
2014 - 2020

Recent experiences from the member states around the South Baltic Sea have revealed that PFAS hot spots are releasing large amounts of these highly persistent and hazardous pollutants. In Denmark alone more than 1,000 potential PFAS hot-spots have been identified. One of these Danish sites (a firefighting site in Korsør) were identified during the activities in the SBS Interreg project Less is More (2018-2021). PFAS is also identified in the effluent from the ordinary urban WWTP’s. Here the pollution normally originates from diffuse sources with PFAS releases from all kinds of products, as well as deposits from air. Treating water for these extreme persistent PFAS compounds is challenging. It’s also challenging to secure safe disposal of the collected PFAS. Normal waste incineration is not sufficient to prevent respreading. The responsible parties around the Baltic Sea are urgent looking for sustainable concepts to treat the water from PFAS hot-spots and from the Urban WWTP’s. The future regular project will facilitate a cooperation between environmental authorities, universities, consulting engineers and treatment solution suppliers (SME’s) to develop, test and demonstrate sustainable solutions. The cooperation will hereby increase the use of green technologies (Sp. obj. 2.2). The technology concepts in focus for the project will be emerging treatment technologies like granular activated carbon (GAC) and ion exchange resins (IEX). Sustainable disposal of the collected micropollutants from GAC and IEX, with decomposition of the substances, will be a key issue in the project. This consists also of innovative GAC filter regeneration, aiming at minimal carbon footprint and efficient resource use. Possibilities for reuse of the treated water, after micropollutant removal, as new water resources, will also be a focal point of the project. The seed money is needed to put together an optimal project cooperation with representative partners from around the Baltic Sea.

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1. administratorem danych osobowych przetwarzanych w Ministerstwie Funduszy i Polityki Regionalnej, z siedzibą pod adresem: ul. Wspólna 2/4 00-926 Warszawa, jest Minister Funduszy i Polityki Regionalnej;

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