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The title of the project

 Development of professional competencies and qualifications of medical caregivers, responding to the epidemiological and demographic needs of the country

Name of the beneficiary
Department of Medical Personnel Development at the Ministry of Health
Project value
72 999 753,84 zł
Co-financing from the EU
72 999 753,84 zł
projekt ogólnopolski
Program Operacyjny Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój
7.1. Wzmocnienie zasobów kadrowych systemu ochrony zdrowia
Europejski Fundusz Społeczny
2014 - 2020

On May 25, 2022, a decision was signed to subsidize the non-competitive project entitled “Development of professional competencies and qualifications of medical caregivers, responding to the epidemiological and demographic needs of the country,” No. POWR.07.01.00-00-0001/22.

The main objective of the project is to increase the competencies of medical caregivers through the implementation of a qualification course, which will enable them to perform procedures previously reserved for the nursing profession, such as performing activities in the field of collecting venous and capillary blood and other materials for laboratory tests, administering medications by various routes, or caring for people with dementia.

The main activity in the project is the implementation of a qualification course for medical caregivers, supplementing knowledge and skills in the performance of activities and procedures on patients, including patients with suspected infectious disease, including in particular COVID-19 disease, during and after illness, previously reserved for the nursing profession, concerning, among other things, the performance of activities in the collection of venous and capillary blood and other materials for laboratory tests, the administration of drugs by various routes, or the care of persons with dementia.

The result will be the strengthening of the health care system with qualified medical personnel prepared to provide health care services to patients during health emergencies, including epidemic or outbreak situations caused by other pathogens.

The project is being implemented by the Department of Medical Personnel Development at the Ministry of Health in partnership with the Center for Medical Postgraduate Education.

The project will be implemented until 31.12.2023.


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