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The title of the project

Development of the POLA.AI application using AI methods to profile individual career counseling and job matching for representatives of Generation Z and people with disabilities

Name of the beneficiary
Project value
1 236 022,73 zł
Co-financing from the EU
999 182,89 zł
m. Białystok
Program Operacyjny Polska Wschodnia
1.1. Platformy startowe dla nowych pomysłów
Europejski Fundusz Rozwoju Regionalnego
2014 - 2020

The innovation of the product lies in the democratization of access to professional consulting services and the labor market by creating a comprehensive, pocket-sized career advisor in the form of a mobile application. The product is aimed at groups excluded from the labor market and those most at risk of labor market instability due to technological changes, i.e. young people from Generation Z aged 18-25, including people struggling with limited mobility. The product allows the user to explore their potential and, based on this, creates recommendations regarding the career path and educational path related to a given professional field. By using the product, the user will be able to get answers to doubts related to his professional life at any time of the day, define his talents and obtain information about opportunities on the labor market that will allow him to develop his potential, thanks to the constant support of an intelligent chatbot coach.

To achieve this level of innovation, the project aims to use a chatbot supported by algorithms and a predictive/predisposition platform available to people with disabilities. At the beginning of the journey, a bot will be created at level 2 of the bot classification. This means that it will answer the most frequently asked questions related to work, career and development. Our goal is to guide the bot through subsequent levels, from level 3, i.e. a contextual assistant that understands the context and user sentiment, to level 4, i.e. a personal assistant that understands the user’s individual needs.

By asking appropriate questions, examining strengths, displaying quizzes, mini challenges or tasks, but also by comparative analysis of data from, among others, from the ReQiu test, we can find out with great accuracy what job or occupation will be the most satisfying for everyone and, on this basis, help make a choice and direct you to the right job.

The product has no direct competitors. The platform solves the problem of every fourth Pole entering the labor market, struggling with finding a job in an increasingly competitive labor market that is changing as a result of new technologies.

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