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The title of the project

Advanced Modeling of Baltic cancer e-caRe (AMBeR)

Name of the beneficiary
Department of Oncology, Zealand University Hospital
Project value
15 259 272,62 zł
Co-financing from the EU
12 207 418,04 zł
m. Gdańsk
m. Gdynia
m. Szczecin
Interreg South Baltic Programme 2021-2027
1.1. Digitilising the region
Europejski Fundusz Rozwoju Regionalnego
2021 - 2027

The Interreg South Baltic Programme 2021–27 has pointed to disparities in innovation capacity in the South Baltic (SB) area, as well as between the urban and rural territories. In public health care, innovation is much needed to deal with a dramatically increasing number of cancer patients in the future because we live longer, and thanks to improved diagnostics and treatments. The combination of long distances to specialized clinics and more cancer survivors calls for new ways of moving treatment monitoring and cancer rehabilitation to the patients´ own homes by the innovative use of digital technologies. Digitalisation offers a unique possibility to a much greater extend to involve patients and relatives actively in their own treatment. The AMBeR project’s vision is to share the experiences and knowledge among project partners and provide a model of implementation and input for policy guidelines on regional and national level. The objectives are to carry out pilots of different e-health solutions at several sites across the SBA and that way to develop a model of e-care for cancer patients. Focusing at the start on treatment monitoring from the patients ́ own home and e-rehab solutions, which can provide truly patient-centered care and continuity of care, may ultimately ensure better outcomes for cancer survivors. Digital solutions may address the barriers for gold-standard care and rehabilitation, but careful testing and development is needed as otherwise we may see – as we see with most new treatments in cancer – that disparities increase upon implementation. In headlines, this project has the potential to: – Reduce the number of hospital visits and transportation time for cancer patients in rural areas – Start cancer rehabilitation earlier and make it accessible to more patients – More patient empowerment and improved quality of life – Reduce social and geographical inequality in health care by improved accessibility and inclusion – Contribute to higher treatme

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