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The title of the project

Multimedia exhibition at Bochnia's Salt Mine and Spa

Name of the beneficiary
Uzdrowisko Kopalnia Soli Bochnia sp. z o.o.
Project value
2 814 620,76 zł
Co-financing from the EU
686 352,19 zł
Regionalny Program Operacyjny Województwa Małopolskiego
3.1. Rozwój infrastruktury turystycznej
Europejski Fundusz Rozwoju Regionalnego
2007 - 2013

The biggest magnet for visitors in Bochnia is Poland’s oldest salt mine, its origins dating back to 1248. Salt ceased to be mined commercially here only in the early 1990s when the tunnels and shafts were transformed into a tourist attraction and spa. With their unique microclimate, the salt chambers are conducive to the treatment of upper respiratory tract illnesses. In the underground sanatorium, the most interesting place is the Ważyn chamber at a depth of 250 meters, the largest man-made underground chamber in Europe. It houses accommodation, a disco and a playground. The old mine is also a venue for conferences and cultural and sports events.

Visiting the mine is a true adventure. At its various levels, you can explore the spectacular workings and chambers, chapels carved out in salt and decorated with salt sculptures and paintings. History buffs can see the antique mining equipment and tools, and even enjoy a boat ride. But the biggest thrill, unique in the world, is provided by the Underground Multimedia Exhibition co-financed with EU funds. This “journey back into history” offers an opportunity to meet Polish kings, Genoese salt miners and even the ghost of a Cistercian monk, the order being responsible for setting up the mine. The tunnels and chambers of this underground salt town are filled with sounds, images and smells that make you believe the mine is still operated and the miners continue to work as hard as they did in the old days. All this is possible only using 21st-century technologies: video projectors, screens, multimedia kiosks, computers, speakers and interactive boards.

In the 5th contest Poland Even More Beautiful. Seven Miracles of EU Funds, the project was nominated for the main award in the Sights category.

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