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Name of the beneficiary
Project value
11 904 240,80 zł
Co-financing from the EU
8 473 306,52 zł
m. Rzeszów
Program Operacyjny Inteligentny Rozwój
1.1. Projekty B+R przedsiębiorstw
Europejski Fundusz Rozwoju Regionalnego
2014 - 2020

The development of VSHAPER 5AX technology has introduced to the world of 3D printing the previously unheard-of solutions. The innovative 5AX printing solutions enable the printing of complex models that require the transfer of heavy loads in various directions and joining various materials. The 5AX technology optimizes production processes, allows for more advanced personalisation of a product and significantly reduces the time of putting it on market in mass production. This machine can therefore be used for prototyping models with a high degree of complexity, but also solves the problem of the production of highly complex elements made in small amounts. Thanks to an assumed wide range of materials, these models can be used in a wide range of industries. The possibility of printing with materials of high temperature, chemical and mechanical resistance means that the models printed with VSHAPER 5AX MACHINE can be used even for the toughest industrial applications. In addition, the use of 3D printing allows you to achieve savings of up to 70% compared to subtractive manufacturing. It is also much more ecological due to, among others, a much lower production of waste, which in this case is generated in minimal amounts. Time is also a very important factor. It usually takes a few to a dozen or so hours from the design of the model to the physical object that meets all the assumptions! It can therefore be assumed that the introduction of the VSHAPER 5AX MACHINE to the market has compiled solutions to the problems posed by traditional – three-axis – 3D printers and a number of new – much more advanced ones.

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