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The title of the project

Rozbudowa ulicy Igołomskiej w Krakowie

Name of the beneficiary
Project value
376 216 897,23 zł
Co-financing from the EU
192 947 783,02 zł
m. Kraków
Program Operacyjny Infrastruktura i Środowisko 2014-2020
4.2. Zwiększenie dostępności transportowej ośrodków miejskich leżących poza siecią drogową TEN-T i odciążenie miast od nadmiernego ruchu drogowego
Europejski Fundusz Rozwoju Regionalnego
2014 - 2020

Subject of this project is the extension of Igolomska street in Krakow, together with building, reconstructing and extending engineering objects along with related road infrastructure.

Project is divided into two phases:

  1. Extension of Igolomska street, national road no 79 – phase 1, from 331+944,85 km till 331+155,2 km (administrative boundaries of the city), together with building, reconstructing and extending engineering objects and related road infrastructure (drainage, street lights, traffic lights, water sewage system, gas pipelines, electrical and telecommunication networks).
  2. Extension of Igolomska street, national road no 79 – phase 2, from 331+944,85 km till crossroad with Giedroycia (Jeżynową)  streen on 339+359,37 km together with building, reconstructing and extending engineering objects and related road infrastructure (drainage, street lights, traffic lights, water sewage system, gas pipelines,  electrical and telecommunication networks, industrial network related to nearby steel factory).

In scope of already finished phase 1, Igolomska street has been expanded into two-way road with 3 lanes on southern side and 2 lanes on northern side. Additionally Brzeska street has been expanded together with the development of Brzeska/Igolomska crossroad and development of various side roads, crossroads, sidewalks and cycle trails .


Phase 2 of the project is currently in progress.

Starting point of the development has been set nearby crossroad of DK79 with S7 roads, which is located close to the Giedroycia (Jeżynową) street. End point has been set nearby Wieworcza street.

Scope of the phase 2 of the project is following:

  • expansion of Igolomska street (national road no 79) between 339+359.37 and 331+944,85 km;
  • expansion of crossroads along Igolomska street;
  • creation of sidewalks along Igolomska street;
  • creation of cycle trails along Igolomska street;
  • reconstruction of pedestrians and cycles trails along Igolomska street;
  • reconstruction of Tram platform along Igolomska street;
  • creation of control place for heavy goods vehicles together with service alley along Igolomska street;
  • reconstruction of Tram trackway along Igolomska street;
  • reconstruction of Tram and Bus depot along Igolomska street;
  • reconstruction of sideways;
  • creation and reconstruction of public road exits;
  • creation and reconstruction of individual road exits along Igolomska street;
  • creation and reconstruction of individual road exits along existing side roads along Igolomska street;

Phase 3 scope also includes work related to reconstruction of following engineering objects – 3 pipelines; 2 flyovers and 3 viaducts.

The main purpose of the investment is to increase the transport accessibility for urban areas outside of TEN-T road network and decrease traffic inside the city in line with 4.2 POIiS for years 2014-2020.

Above will be achieved by realization of number of intermediate goals like:

  • moving heavy goods vehicle traffic outside of Krakow;
  • increasing throughput of Igolomska street which will result in better transport quality outside of the city boundaries;
  • decreasing driving time;
  • increasing traffic safety;
  • increasing travel comfort;
  • eliminating traffic difficulties;
  • better transport quality outside of the city boundries;

Implementation of this project will have positive effects on many levels. Better transport connections with many industrial and service areas will have a positive impact on further economic growth of the city itself, its closest neighborhood and the whole region. Increased throughput will significantly decrease traffic and related noise which will translate to reduced nuisance for local community and environment.

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