Construction of new road connecting national road no 19 (from Podkarpacka St. and 9 Dywizji Piechoty st. in Rzeszów intersection) with the Rzeszów-Południe (S19)
Project of construction of new road connecting national road no 19 (from Podkarpacka St. and 9 Dywizji Piechoty st. in Rzeszów intersection) with the Rzeszów-Południe (S19) junction was conducted together by Podkarpackie Voivodeship and the city of Rzeszów. The task completed by Podkarpacki Zarząd Dróg Wojewódzkich (Voivodeship Road Authority) was to construct the part of the road located outside the city – from the borders of the city to Rzeszów Południe junction with S19 express road. 1 km of G class road, 3,5 m wide, has been created. Service road and road crossing as part of 108 commune road have been constructed. Implementation of the project has enabled direct connection of Rzeszów with Trans-European Transport Networks. New road allowed for moving the transic traffic outside the city centre, what has shorten travel time between main transportation routes of the voivodeship and can, in the long term, influence regional development dynamics.
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