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The construction of the new no 764 regional road alignment in Kielce, from the intersection of Tarnowska st. and Wapiennikowa st. (no 73 national road) to the Czwartaków roundabout

Name of the beneficiary
The Commune of Kielce
Project value
41 212 235,78 zł
Co-financing from the EU
24 536 269,66 zł
m. Kielce
Program Operacyjny Polska Wschodnia
2.2. Infrastruktura drogowa
Europejski Fundusz Rozwoju Regionalnego
2014 - 2020

The construction of the new no 764 regional road alignment within the city limits has been the project implemented by the Commune of Kielce – Municipal Road Authority in Kielce As part of the project the connection of Tarnowska st. with the Czwartaków roundabout has been constructed. The new, Pileckiego st., 1,5 km long, has two roadways in both directions, two lanes each. New service roads, exits, pavements, bus loop, park and ride facility as well as rainwater drainage, street lamps and traffic lights has been constructed. The bike lane has been located mainly on the northern side of the road. The intersections with Tarnowska, Popiełuszki, Wapiennikowa, Karskiego, Wojska Polskiego, Wrzosowa and Roweckiego streets have been reconstructed. These streets are the inseparable element of inclusion of the new road into the existing road network. New greenery has been planted – that includes 120 trees and 3,49 thousands of shrubs. Bus lanes separated from the road, designed for buses and privileged transportation, has positively influenced the effectiveness of mass transportation. The implementation of the project has improved the transportation between the city centre and Bukówka and Ostra Górka settlements, and simultaneously relieved the Popiełuszki, Wrzosowa and Wojska Polskiego streets. The constructed fragment of the road is the new alignment of the no 764 regional road and is connecting the city with the surrounding communes. Transportation towards Daleszyce, Staszów and Morawica is now taking place with the Pileckiego st. As a result the inhabitants of the region have gained more effective connection with Kielce and the new road has also improved the safeness of all traffic participants.

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