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The title of the project

Activation of young people unemployed in the Kwidzyn poviat (III)

Name of the beneficiary
Poviat Labor Office in Kwidzyn
Project value
4 183 365,40 zł
Co-financing from the EU
3 525 740,40 zł
Program Operacyjny Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój
1.1. Wsparcie osób młodych na regionalnym rynku pracy – projekty pozakonkursowe
1.1. Wsparcie osób młodych pozostających bez pracy na regionalnym rynku pracy - projekty pozakonkursowe
Europejski Fundusz Społeczny
2014 - 2020

The aim of the project is to increase the employability of young people under 30 who are unemployed in the Kwidzyn poviat. The main result of the project will be the employment of 236 people registered at the labor office in Kwidzyn. As part of the project, support will be provided to people under 30 years of age qualified for profile I (active unemployed) or profile II (requiring support). For each participant, the presentation of a specific offer of professional activation will be preceded by an analysis of the participant’s skills, predispositions and professional problems. On this basis, the office will implement properly selected services and instruments of the labor market:

  • job placement,
  • career counseling,
  • internship,
  • furnishing or equipping the workplace,
  • one-off funds for setting up a business.

Implementing institution: Poviat Labor Office in Kwidzyn

Institution address: ul. Grudziądzka 30, 82-500 Kwidzyn

Tel.: 55 267 27 00



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