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The title of the project

Your business – Your success

Name of the beneficiary
Conceptus Foundation
Project value
4 956 049,20 zł
Co-financing from the EU
4 212 641,82 zł
Regionalny Program Operacyjny Województwa Dolnośląskiego 2014-2020
8.3. Samozatrudnienie, przedsiębiorczość oraz tworzenie nowych miejsc pracy
Europejski Fundusz Społeczny
2014 - 2020

Supporting Lower Silesian entrepreneurs is one of the priorities of the voivodeship’s self-government. This means any type of entrepreneurship. Large, thriving companies that employ many, but also self-employed individuals.

In this case, the mechanism looks as follows: foundations, associations or employers’ organizations apply for subsidies, then they directly recruit interested parties. Unemployed above the age of 30 are encouraged to set up their own businesses, but it is harder to find themselves on the labor market. These people include, for example, people with disabilities or those living in rural areas, low-skilled workers, people aged over 50, the long-term unemployed, and women.

The Conceptus Foundation is a „business angel” for almost 90 people, mainly women, who under the EU project „Your company – Your success” have been properly prepared with training and meetings with vocational counselors to set up their own businesses. In addition to a one-time non-returnable grant to start a business, participants could also count on the foundation’s help for the first year of their micro-company.

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