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The title of the project

The use of renewable energy sources as an opportunity to improve the quality of the natural environment in the Municipality of Chełm by installing solar collectors and biomass boilers

Name of the beneficiary
Project value
2 209 699,05 zł
Co-financing from the EU
1 796 504,13 zł
Regionalny Program Operacyjny Województwa Lubelskiego na lata 2014-2020
4.1. Wsparcie wykorzystania OZE
Europejski Fundusz Rozwoju Regionalnego
2014 - 2020

The main goal of the project is: The increase in the use of renewable energy sources, thanks to investments in modern technologies – environmentally friendly sources of renewable energy – including the installation of 193 solar installations and 17 biomass boilers. Solar installations will be mounted on the roof or building facade, depending on the technical conditions. As a result of project implementation, the following results will be achieved: additional capacity to generate energy from renewable sources; estimated annual decrease in greenhouse gas emissions; production of heat energy from newly built/new capacities of installations using RES; the increase in employment in supported entities (other than enterprises). The target group of the project are: residents of the Municipality of Chełm. The project involves the implementation of tasks, including inventory of facilities, public consultations, purchase and installation of solar collectors and biomass furnaces, development of an internet portal, as well as project promotion.

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