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The title of the project

ZSHE to its students for the competitiveness of the Podlaskie economy

Name of the beneficiary
Project value
1 442 905,47 zł
Co-financing from the EU
1 226 469,64 zł
Regionalny Program Operacyjny Województwa Podlaskiego na lata 2014-2020
3.3. Kształcenie zawodowe młodzieży na rzecz konkurencyjności podlaskiej gospodarki
Europejski Fundusz Społeczny
2014 - 2020

Zespół Szkół Handlowo-Ekonomicznych (ZSHE)  in Białystok educates in the professions of an economist technician, a trader and hotel technician. In 2016 the school received a grant from the Regional Operational Programme, which enabled the students to complete professional internships with employers. Thanks to these internships, the mentees could experience work in a given profession, broaden their knowledge and practically develop their skills.

Before doing the internship, the students met with vocational counselors who adjusted the internships to the predispositions, needs and expectations of the students both as to the place of implementation and the programme.

The aim of the project was also to promote the way of achieving economic goals, and at the same time respecting the natural resources. It highlighted the need to take actions to improve the quality of the natural environemnt. 49 internships were carried out in companies from the smart specialization sector. The pupils completed 381 internships at employers, including 46 holiday internships. Some of the students had the opportunity to complete two internships. 60 interns took advantage of this opportunity.

Each of the internships lasted 150 hours and ended with an exam at the employer’s. After passing the exam, the interns received a certificate and an internship scholarship.

Internships were organized in several enterprises, for examples accounting offices and hotels in Bialystok and its surroundings. Students could also familiarize themselves with subjects of renewable energy sources, as well as logistics and warehousing services. ZSHE has been using the EU funds since 2008. The school organizes additional internships at employers. At the same time, since 2013, it has been sending its students to foreign internships within the Leonardo and Erasmus + programs.

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