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The title of the project

Development and production by AG MOTORS of bicycle frames with innovative construction using innovative technologies and materials

Name of the beneficiary
Project value
1 903 161,32 zł
Co-financing from the EU
1 155 579,16 zł
Regionalny Program Operacyjny Województwa Podkarpackiego na lata 2014-2020
1.2. Badania przemysłowe, prace rozwojowe oraz ich wdrożenia
Europejski Fundusz Rozwoju Regionalnego
2014 - 2020

The aim of AG MOTORS Sp. z o.o. is to introduce on the market in the years 2020/2021 the author’s own, original on an international scale construction of a bicycle frame setting new standards in the field of manufacturing technology, which is a kind of technical avant-garde, competing with the products present on the market by increased mechanical, quality and utility parameters. This project is an innovative research and business approach to the issue of design – its subject is the acquisition of new knowledge at the interface of such fields of science as mechanics, material engineering, industrial design and design, which have practical application in technical structures created for the bicycle industry. A number of R&D works have been planned for implementation, some of them will be carried out in cooperation with scientific units (development of synergy and knowledge transfer between the enterprise and R&D centers). The direct result of the project will be a bicycle frame with an innovative construction, made with the use of new materials. Its significant novelty will be the features and properties, such as reduction of the bicycle weight by min.500g, increase of stroke value in the range of 15-30 mm in the stack to the rigid frame, increase of fatigue strength by min. 10% increase in fatigue strength, competitive price in comparison to products available on the market. As a result of the project implementation, the company will introduce product innovation (international scale – commercialization of research results through implementation into its own business) and non-technological (company scale), which will translate into a number of economic (increase in revenue) and non-economic (increase in the company’s development potential, expanding market share, entering new markets). The project is in line with the objectives of Priority Axis I and Measure 1.2 of ROP WP will allow the company to increase its R&D activity (implementation of a new R&D project, increase in expenditure on R&D). According to the requirements, the project includes industrial research and development until the creation of a prototype, validation and first production.

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