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The title of the project

Energy modernization of educational facilities - Primary School No. 3 in Stargard and Municipal Kindergarten No. 6 in Stargard

Name of the beneficiary
City of Stargard
Project value
4 149 991,03 zł
Co-financing from the EU
3 487 859,85 zł
Regionalny Program Operacyjny Województwa Zachodniopomorskiego 2014-2020
2.6. Modernizacja energetyczna obiektów użyteczności publicznej w ramach Strategii ZIT dla Szczecińskiego Obszaru Metropolitalnego
Europejski Fundusz Rozwoju Regionalnego
2014 - 2020

Deep energy retrofit of educational facilities – Primary School No. 3 in Stargard (thermal insulation of the school’s outbuilding and deep energy retrofit of the roof on the main building), upgrade of electrical and lighting installations, upgrade of central heating installations, and Municipal Kindergarten No. 6 in Stargard by deep energy retrofit of the building along with upgrade of lighting and electrical installations

Project included two main investment tasks:

Task No. 1: Deep energy retrofit of the Municipal Kindergarten No. 6, including:

  • insulation of external walls of the building,
  • insulation of the ceiling above the basement,
  • insulation of the suspended ceiling with replacement of the roof covering,
  • upgrade of windows and doors,
  • improvement of the ventilation system with recuperation,
  • upgrade of the central heating installation,
  • upgrading lighting and electrical installations,
  • installation of a renewable source of electricity – a photovoltaic installation with a power capacity of 9.3 kW.

Task No. 2: Deep energy retrofit of Primary School No. 3, including:

  • insulation of external walls,
  • insulation of the ceiling and replacement of high and low roof covering,
  • insulation of the flat roof extension,
  • upgrade of windows and doors,
  • upgrade of the central heating installation,
  • upgrading lighting and electrical installations,
  • installation of a renewable source of electricity – photovoltaic installation with a power capacity of 9.7 kW.

Fot. Dominik Wiktorowicz

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