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The title of the project

Rozwój szczecineckiego produktu turystycznego poprzez budowę wielofunkcyjnego pomostu stałego na jeziorze Trzesiecko

Name of the beneficiary
City of Szczecinek
Project value
2 228 007,53 zł
Co-financing from the EU
633 985,86 zł
Regionalny Program Operacyjny Województwa Zachodniopomorskiego 2014-2020
4.9. Rozwój zasobów endogenicznych
Europejski Fundusz Rozwoju Regionalnego
2014 - 2020

The project consisted in co-creating a tourist product based on endogenous resources of Szczecinek by:

  • construction of a permanent recreation pier with the vessels mooring adjustment along with abutments and a viewing terrace,
  • construction of 2 mooring points,
  • construction of pedestrian routes with a mineral surface and lawn edges,
  • construction of small architecture objects,
  • construction of an external power installation,
  • installation of a lake water supplied lawn irrigation system,
  • installation of a surface water intake point for the lawn irrigation system,
  • sand surface makeover of the existing lake beach,
  • strengthening the fragment of the quay,
  • replacing existing concrete pavement slabs with sett paving,
  • removal of an old lighting installation,
  • demolition of a floating platform with steel supports preserving,
  • constructing a recreational platform,
  • refilling of granite sett paving,
  • construction of drainage intakes and scuttles.

(fot. Marcin Wilk)

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