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LiveLagoons - The use of active barriers for the nutrient removal and local water quality improvement in Baltic lagoons

nazwa beneficjenta
wartość projektu
166 564,64 zł
dofinansowanie z UE
141 579,94 zł
South Baltic Cross-border Co-operation Programme 2014-2020
2.2. Increased use of green technologies in order to decrease the pollution discharges in the South Baltic area
Europejski Fundusz Rozwoju Regionalnego
2014 - 2020

There are many attempts to use mussels or algae cultivation for nutrient removal in the South Baltic area. However, due to low market value of cultivated products these developments typically end in the initial stage of demonstration studies and are neither sustainable, nor replicated in other than pilot areas. On the other hand there exist a number of commercial applications called living barriers or rafts (e.g. life rafts, BIOHAVEN® LIVING SHORELINE) aimed at both restoration and rehabilitation of coastal habitats and local enhancement of water quality by nutrient absorption and removal. Our idea is to involve the coastal municipalities in the South Baltic lagoons into the application of so called “active shoreline” units to improve water quality and create bathing conditions inside the South Baltic lagoons, where at normal conditions algal blooms and sediment resuspension prevent recreational bathing. Moreover the use of nutrient absorption devices could be linked to nutrient quota trading – mechanism for connecting effective nutrient abatement measures with voluntary financiers willing to acquire nutrient offset. Therefore, the Living Lagoons project becomes especially relevant to the small lagoon communities which are mostly pressed for the increased removal of phosphorus through the municipal wastewater treatment plants, which are facing operational problems due to sharp fluctuations of population (a tenfold increase during the summer season). The seed funding is needed first, to develop the project concept and application (i) to build the project partnership network including interested coastal communities/municipalities in every South Baltic pilot area (ii) to check the technological feasibility and concept of pilot installations and (iii) is to look into a possibility to establish a mechanism similar to NutriTrade Platform (developed by the NutriTrade project of the EU CBP) with special focus on the application in the cross-border water bodies.

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