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The title of the project

The Old Town area of Gorlice – a local scientific, cultural, sports and recreation center with re-engineered roads and technical infrastructure

Name of the beneficiary
Town of Gorlice
Project value
18 220 601,44 zł
Co-financing from the EU
7 556 114,05 zł
Regionalny Program Operacyjny Województwa Małopolskiego na lata 2014-2020
Europejski Fundusz Rozwoju Regionalnego
2014 - 2020

The building of the historical headquarters of “Sokół” in Gorlice, renovated thanks to support from the European Funds, serves the local community and wins laurels in industry competitions (Construction of the Year 2021). The “Wiarus” theater operated here until 2015. After its bankruptcy, the building began to deteriorate. It gained a second life thanks to revitalization: renovation of the façade, roof cover and interiors plus thermomodernization. Saunas, changing rooms, toilets and other conveniences are now located in the basement. The attic houses a martial arts room. There is also a gym and a conference room. The building was adapted to the needs of people with disabilities. This place used to have a sporting tradition but now it plays also a cultural role. It is used, among others, by the Gorlice Wrestling Sports Club, GKP Fala/Karpatia, the Swimming Club in Gorlice and the Gorlice Martial Arts Club. Private viewings, exhibitions and occasional meetings are also held here.

As part of the investment, the building of the Marcin Kromer High School in Gorlice was also revitalized. This impressive building designed by Tadeusz Mostowski once housed the Imperial-Royal Gymnasium. Today it is used by high school students. The facility was renovated with support from EU funds and gained a multifunctional pitch with a running track, jump, throwing area and handball, basketball and volleyball courts. The sports complex is also accessible after school hours. Thanks to the renovation of the basement the facility gained a theater hall and spaces for scouts, discussion club, law education area and school career and music centers. The building serves not only the school community but also residents. In the renovated interiors, they can participate in performances of the student theater “DoProsta”, evenings with poetry, meetings with people important for the development of culture and many other events.

The investment in the Old Town area was complemented by the reconstruction of Jagiełły, Kromera and Niepodległości streets.

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