Functional Hybrid Materials and Interfaces 'FUNMAT-FACE'
The project aims to develop novel synthetic approaches leading from well-defined molecular components to various nano-scaled inorganic-organic materials with specific functions, which are now required to support the unprecedented technological advances that have occurred throughout the 21st century. By bringing together the most talented young researchers we plan to carry out a two-channel research program that will focus on the most important classes of inorganic-organic hybrid materials nowadays: (i) nanoparticulate semiconductors, represented herein by ZnO nanocrystals and (ii) 3D porous metal-organic frameworks (MOFs). The interdisciplinary research approach of this project will be supported by the reputable experts across the Europe in the areas of design and synthesis of dynamic self-assemblies, comprehensive structural characterization of interfaces, advanced time-resolved spectroscopic techniques and heterogeneous catalysis, and theoretical modelling of interfacial processes.
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