Digital operations on droplets embedded into smart microfluidic architectures for applications in medical diagnostics and biological research
The project goal is to develop smart microfluidic architectures with precise instructions embedded into the design of the chip. Instead of the use of numerous valves, actuators and electronics (commonly applied to manipulate small aliquots of liquids in microfluidics) I want to design innovate microfluidic structures inducing precise compartmentalisation of liquids and intelligent self-organization of droplets into static arrays. The auto-regulation of the flow will redistribute droplets within the static array so that the final layout of droplets would reflect the statistical result of reaction in the whole population at once. Combinations of different microfluidic modules will enable the design of entirely autonomous analytical equipment – the new generation of Point of Care devices offering the simplicity of the use, excellent precision, superior dynamic range and perfect repeatability by the utilisation of digital operations on droplets.
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