2 Castles: common history, common promotion, an incentive to strengthen cooperation, tourist flows and economic growth
Important events of European history are associated with Zhovkva & Krasiczyn Castles. They are of key importance for socio-economic development of the cities & regions; they are city-forming objects. But the main problem is that their touristic potential is underused, because of poor condition of Zhovkva Castle, its ineffective promotion & not developed cross-border cooperation between heritage managers, tourist organizations & local authorities from these cities. The castles are located in areas with lower levels of socio-economic development, where tourism could be an important economic stimulus. This project aims at increasing the number of visitors to the Castles in Zhovkva & Krasiczyn through their better promotion, advancing managers’ skills on cultural heritage management and promotion, involving citizens in making decisions about cultural heritage. Within the project 3 training-workshops and exchange program for historical heritage managers, local authorities, NGOs & tourist organisations will be provided, an exhibition with Ukrainian – Polish cultural workshop dedicated to Cardinal Adam Sapieha and a concert of Polish Royal Opera, Ukrainian-Polish Cultural Forum in Zhovkva on historical heritage will be conducted, branding & marketing policy for promotion of historical heritage of Zhovkva will be developed, the web-site of the State Historical Reserve in Zhovkva will be modified & promoted. The project will have positive impact on cultural heritage management & capacity development of cultural actors in border area, on networking & international cultural cooperation, on welfare of the residents in order area. Common promotion of the Castles in Polish-Ukrainian border area is a promotion of the European identity and the history behind it. The project management will be executed jointly by the beneficiaries, which will increase the quality and effectiveness of the activities.
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