2ShipCom: 2 Ships – Common Sea. Soldek and Vityaz: Maritime Heritage of Poland and Russia
The region’s potential in culture remains largely untapped, limiting achievable profits from tourism itself. Key responsibilities of museums are: to protect and present their monuments in a way, that ensure their permanent preservation. Both historic vessels are unique monuments of technology which are legally protected. Ships must meet the requirements for maritime safety and technical condition. They must be renovated in order to not lose the possibility of fulfilling their museum functions. The project is in line with objective „Heritage”: preservation and protection of the historic museum ships – Sołdek in PL and Vityaz in RF, and creation a new offer that will attract more visitors to both museums and contribute to the development of cross-border tourism (exhibitions with visiting possibility for disabled people). The exchange of experience on cultural heritage between the employees of both museums and the university, will contribute to better results since experience on the issue from both parties will be used. The main outputs are: plain-airs on both sides of the boarder, a mobile exposition and a booklet as a result , 2 conferences, 1 work-shop to share experience, 3 masterclasses and marine practices to involve young people to get interested in maritime professions. Results: increase the attractiveness of the cross-border region for residents and tourists (ship visitors), (planned at B1 – 70,000 visitors, LB – 100,000 visitors). This objective is a part of one of the three overarching strategic objectives of the Poland-Russia Cross- Border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020, which is „to promote economic and social development in the regions on both sides of common borders”. Partner visits, participation in the conference and creation of exhibitions promoting knowledge about shipping, will contribute to strengthening cooperation in the cross-border region.
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