The Racibórz Dolny flood control reservoir on the Odra River in the Silesian Voivodeship (polder)
The flood protection reservoir Raciborz Dolny is located in the Odra river valley north of the road bridge Krzyżanowice – Buków, at the kilometer from 33,580 to kilometer 46,300 of this river above Raciborz (and therefore it will be situated directly below Polder Bukow). The area of the planned reservoir is located within the boundaries of the Silesian Voivodeship in the Racibórz district – municipalities of Krzyżanowice, Racibórz, Kornowac and in the Wodzisław district – municipality of Lubomia. The Racibórz polder will be used only as a dry flood control reservoir. A change in hydrologic regime of the Oder River, caused by water management in the reservoir, will only occur during floods. The reservoir will not affect low and medium flows. In the range of flows up to Q=470 m3/s (bank water, p=50%), at least one gate valve on the threshold span will be raised, allowing the Odra to flow freely into the relief channel.
The main purpose of the construction of a dry flood control reservoir (polder) on the Odra River is to provide flood protection for over 1.3 million people living in the Śląskie, Opolskie and Dolnośląskie provinces. The investment also made it possible to achieve one of the objectives of the Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council of October 23, 2007 (Directive 2007/60 / EC) on the assessment and management of flood risk, which is the minimization of flood risk and limitation of the consequences of floods.
Investment effects:Freshets up to Q = 1,210 m3 / s (flow allowed for ecological reasons, with a probability of 5%, i.e. water occurring on average every twenty years) are directly passed through the reservoir, without damming. Apart from floods, the reservoir is not full (except for the waters of the workings and the Oder itself). Only flood waves with culminations higher than the allowed flow Q = 1 210 m3 / s determined in the environmental impact report for the Odra section below Racibórz are reduced. Waves culminating up to 2 400 m3 / s (it is a flow with a probability of exceeding 0.2% – close to the reliable one) are reduced by the tank to the permitted flow level Q = 1 210 m3 / s. Larger waves, such as the flood wave similar to the disastrous one in 1997, estimated at 3,120 m3 / s, is reduced to 1,538 m3 / s.
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