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The title of the project

Flood protection of Sandomierz

Name of the beneficiary
State Water Holding Polish Waters
Project value
219 887 209,16 zł
Co-financing from the EU
164 087 191,20 zł
Program Operacyjny Infrastruktura i Środowisko 2014-2020
2.1. Adaptacja do zmian klimatu wraz z zabezpieczeniem i zwiększeniem odporności na klęski żywiołowe, w szczególności katastrofy naturalne oraz monitoring środowiska
Fundusz Spójności
2014 - 2020

The project entitled “Sandomierz flood protection” will be implemented in the municipalities of Sandomierz, Koprzywnica and Samborzec, Sandomierz poviat, Świętokrzyskie voivodship.

Material scope of the project:

Task 1 – Flood protection within the estuary section of the Atramentówka river, construction of a new “Koćmierzów” pumping station and a gravity lock in Koćmierzów (in the right embankment of the Vistula) and a channel draining water from Atramentówka to the pumping station.

Task 2 – Flood protection within the Struga A watercourse together with the reconstruction and extension of the Nadbrzezie pumping station.

Task 3 – Expansion of the embankment protecting the glass factory and housing estate in Sandomierz against flood waters, along with the expansion of the flood embankment of the Vistula River from ul. Lwowska to be connected with the Koćmierzów embankment.

Task 4 – Protection of the embankments of the Koprzywianka River – the left embankment at km 0 + 000 + 12 + 900, the right embankment at km 0 + 000 + 14 + 400.

Task 5 – Construction of a water pumping station in Szewce.

Task 6 – Expansion of the water pumping station in Zajeziorze

The direct objective of the project is to reduce the flood risk (the extent of human, socio-economic and environmental losses) in the Sandomierz region.

Improving the flood safety of Sandomierz will stimulate economic development in the region. The implementation of the project will contribute to an increase in the investment attractiveness of the region, which will allow for the creation of new jobs and improve the living conditions of the inhabitants of Sandomierz and its vicinity.

Achieving comprehensive flood protection involves not only securing the Vistula River, but also smaller watercourses running through the area covered by the project.

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