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From Warsaw to Rzeszów in 3 hours? It will be possible soon

From Warsaw to Rzeszów in 3 hours? It will be possible soon

Works on the construction of S19 express road between Kraśnik and Janów Lubelski have started. It is the first of six sections of the route that will connect Lublin with Rzeszów. The investment is planned to be co-financed with EU funds from the Infrastructure and Environment Programme 2014-2020.

The application for the project “Construction of S19 express road Lublin – Rzeszów, section Kraśnik Południe – Lasy Janowskie” is already under assessment. The General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways is expected to receive more than 483 million PLN of the co-financing from the EU for this investment soon. After signing the co-financing contract , the application form will also be considered by the European Commission.

The beneficiary has already started works. One can see ground works being carried out, the contractor sets out in the field the route that will follow the new track.

There will be built almost 33 km of new express route, 5 road junctions, 4 Travelers Service Areas, animal crossings or a network of roads connecting the adjacent areas with the new route. After completion of the investment, drivers will be able to drive the express route from Warsaw to Rzeszów in less than 3 hours.